Rhonda Copeland Lyle is the founder and CEO of The Scholarship Strategist.

She is the best selling author of WARRIOR MOM: How I Fought To Get A Great Education and Scholarships For My Children and Others, $10M Won! 

As the Scholarship Strategist she provides parents, students, school districts and organizations with the essentials to obtain resources to acquire exceptional scholarship opportunities. She has helped secure $10 million dollars in scholarships for her children, and other students in grades 5-12 for private school, educational enrichment programs, study abroad and college over the last 20 years. Whether you are high or low income there is free money out there for you. Rhonda received her undergraduate degree and attended graduate school fully funded. 

The Warrior Mom book acknowledges all of the parents, guardians, friends, colleagues, and anyone who knows the difficulty in acquiring the best education possible for children, with funding. This is to all the parents who have had to fight closed quotas, unknown requirements, private conversations, and any roadblock—seen or unseen—that have limited what their children can do when given the opportunity. This book is for the average family with limited funds who could never dream that these opportunities are available to their children, either for free or at limited cost.

ADD Affiliation and Education